Medical Calculators
Fully customizable Medical Calculators, ready to embed on your website. Over 15 000 doctors are already using these tools in their day-to-day activities. Add them on your website, grow your audience and earn loyal users.
Try now or contact sales to get more information.
What are medical calculators?
Medical calculators are an indispensable, handy and everyday solution for healthcare professionals. Imagine one tool which provides an answer to various medical problems.
All HCPs has to do is enter patient data, the calculator will do the rest - it makes healtcare proffessionals work more effective and efficient. One tool, many formulas, all based on EBM and the newest guidelines - that is the definition of medical calculators created by the Brandmed team.
For whom is this product?
Doctors, paramedics, nurses, medical students.

Technology used
Our medical calculators are mostly based on Dart, a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform.
What are the benefits of using our calculator systems:
We support both web and mobile applications. You don’t have to create two separate calculators. Develop it once and use it on any platform you want.
The operation of the calculator is separated from the presentation layer. If you would like to make visual changes, we can quickly introduce them to all the calculators you use.
While most of the required functionalities are available out-of-the-box, our system allows you to easily implement new calculator elements according to your needs.
Thanks to the standardized way of describing calculators, it is easy to create tools that will help you meet your quality expectations.
Types of calculators?
Over 130 different, fully customizable medical calculators are ready to embed on your website. Check the full list of available calculators here and contact sales for more information.
If you feel like you need a test run first, you can use one (or three) of the selected ones below.
1. Choose the calculator you want to embed on your website and copy its ID
2. Add the given HTML tag to the place of your choice on the website, replacing the CALCULATOR_ID with the appropriate calculator ID.
<iframe class="calculator-iframe" src="" frameborder="0" style="display:block; width:100%; min-height: 450px;" />
3. Execute the script below:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { for (const iframe of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.calculator-iframe'))) { setInterval(()=> { let documentIframe = iframe.contentWindow.document; const newHeight = documentIframe.querySelector('.content')?.scrollHeight + 16 + 'px'; if ( !== newHeight) { = newHeight; } }, 50) } }
How to modify the calculators' appearance?
Contact us and we can create the appearance that matches your needs.
List of calculators
- 6-minute walk test
- Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
- AVA - aortic valve opening area
- Cardiac Index
- Cardiac output calculator (per minute capacity)
- The CHA2DS2 – VASc scale
- Oxygen consumption calculator
- dP / dt - the rate of pressure increase in the left ventricle
- DUKE scale
- Epoprostenol - Dose Calculation
- FRAMINGHAM risk scale
- GRACE calculator
- HAS-BLED - bleeding risk assessment
- Heart Failure Life Expectancy Calculator
- Hepatic venous pressure gradient measurement
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - sudden cardiac death risk assessment
- LVM - left ventricular mass and mass index
- MVA - mitral valve opening area
- PERC indicator
- PESI scale
- Qp/Qs Calculator
- Cardiac Output (Fick’s Formula)
- QTc - Corrected QT Interval (Bazett's formula)
- RCRI indicator
- Modified Geneva scale
- SCORE2 and SCORE2-OP indicator
- Heart stroke volume calculator
- Stroke volume and right and left ventricular projection
- Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) calculator
- TIMI score for STEMI
- TIMI score for UA / NSTEMI
- Wells score calculator for pulmonary embolism
- Wells score calculator for deep vein thrombosis
- FINDRISC scale
- HOMA-IR indicators
- Blood glucose unit converter
- Insulin Dosage Calculator
- Estimated Average Glucose Calculator
- QUICKI indicator
- BSA indicator
- Corrected sodium calculator
Internal diseases
- Barthel scale
- Oakland scale
- Glasgow scale
Intensive care
- Anion gap
- MDRD - glomerular filtration (simplified formula)
- Apache II
- SOFA scale
- LIS - Lung Damage Scale
- MEWS - Modified Early Warning Score
- MAP - mean arterial pressure
- Oxygenation index
- NMC - ideal body weight and tidal volume
Emergency medicine
- Acceptable blood loss calculator
- BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index)
- Scale DAS28 OB and DAS28 CRP
- SDAI indicator
- ASDAS (Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score)
- Amoxicillin dose calculator
- Paracetamol dose calculator
- Pediatric Blood Transfusion Volume Formula
- Child blood volume calculator
- APGAR score
- Fluid demand calculator
- Glasgow - Pediatric coma scale
- IHL - Predicting the Final Child's Height
Dosage of drugs
- Alteplase dose
- Pediatric ibuprofen dose
- Bishop scale
- Estradiol and progesterone units converter
- Pg / E2 ratio
- Absolute eosinophil count calculator
- Absolute Lymphocyte Count Calculator
- Absolute neutrophil count calculator
- Absolute reticulocyte count calculator
- Calculator of corrected number of reticulocytes
- Blood volume calculator
- Age-adjusted value of D-dimers
- IPI + R-IPI index (DLBCL - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma)
- INR factor
- MIPI - Mantle Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index
- Plasma volume
- Transferrin saturation
- Hematocrit/hemoglobin ratio
- Child-Pugh score - classification of liver failure
- Unit converter - cholesterol and triglycerides
- FIB-4 calculator
- LILLE scale
- MELD score
- The de Ritis Ratio (The AST/ALT Ratio calculator)
- SAAG calculator
Anthropometric calculators
- Ideal body weight calculator
- Basal metabolic rate PPM
- Waist to hip ratio - WHR
- Total body water calculator
Nephrology / Urology
- ACR (Urine Albumin / Creatinine)
- Urine output calculator
- Adrenal washout calculator
- BUN-to-creatinine ratio
- Cockcroft-Gault formula (eGFR)
- Daugirdas Kt / V ratio
- EORTC - assessment of the risk of recurrence and progression of bladder cancer
- FENa (fractional sodium excretion)
- FEUrea (fractional urea excretion)
- KFRE - risk assessment of CKD progression
- TTKG (transurethral potassium gradient)
- UPRC (Ratio of protein to creatinine)
- CURB-65
- Endotracheal tube size calculator
- Light's criteria
- Lung nodule growth calculator
- PSI calculator
- PaO2 / FiO2 ratio
- Alveolar-arterial gradient calculator
- Determination of the values of the transpulmonary gradient (TPG) and the pulmonary diastolic gradient (DPG)
- Vital capacity calculator
- Determination of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and total resistance (TPR)
RKZ and electrolytes
- Corrected calcium calculator for hypoalbuminemia
- Corrected magnesium calculator for hypoalbuminemia
- Sodium change calculator in hypertriglyceridemia
- Urine anion gap
- Free water deficit calculator
- Parkland formula
- Plasma osmolality calculator
- Sodium deficit indicator
- Winters formula for metabolic acidosis compensation
- Alcohol units calculator
- AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
- CAGE questionnaire
- SCIWA-Ar scale
- Fagerström test
- GUPTA score