Polish Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (PTTPB - pol. Polskie Towarzystwo Terapii Poznawczej i Behawioralnej) turned to Brandmed as a trustworthy technology partner to diagnose, fix and improve their computing environment and database system. Our team of developers began working on the project in 2020.

Jakub Skrzydłowski
Member of the BoardAfter an extensive investigation of the existing architecture and PTTPB’s objectives, Brandmed recommended a two-fold system transformation that included a complete code refactoring based on Node.js of our client’s computing infrastructure and a revolution of a cloud migration system with the use of AWS.
Now, we continuously coordinate PTTPB’s web development operations, actively maintaining the system, monitoring the servers, and rectifying the mistakes when needed.
Scope of work

The primary goal
PTTPB’s platform serves as the link between the association and its members. Through the online system, members regularly upload their personal documents, submit applications, obtain trustworthy information about their specialty field, and make routine payments for the membership.
As the platform has been continuously growing, our client faced a major challenge: the perplexing problems of system efficiency due to the rising costs of the existing architecture. Whereas the initial complications just had hindered the general functioning of PTTPB, the accumulated unsolved issues led to ultimate system breakdown. More detailed analysis indicated problems with the mailing architecture, which negatively influenced the performance of primary system functions. Concurrently, the maintenance costs of our client’s infrastructure perilously increased while the system significantly scaled up.
Concerning the exacerbating complications of the system performance and the constantly rising costs of platform maintenance, PTTPB turned to Brandmed as a trustworthy technology partner to obtain an extensive diagnosis of the existing problems and a complete recovery plan.
After conducting a thorough investigation, we have concluded that a reliable and efficient computing system with low-maintenance costs will solve the underlying issue.
Our client’s needs
An extensive investigation
Initially, aiming to identify the heart of the problem, we began with an extensive diagnosis of the existing architecture and the dependencies which were implemented. What initially sounded like a regular checkup turned out to be a considerable challenge, given the lack of documentation and specifications about the current working system. Thus, our team of developers decided to conduct an extensive investigation of servers’ architecture, database, and the solutions that had been implemented.
As we learned, the major problem concerned slow website performance and accumulation of bugs. The steady growth of the platform and regular data uploads led to a significant increase in the database. As our team found out, it eventually reached 25 GB, leading to ceaselessly rising maintenance costs that would not allow meeting the financial objectives.
Major challenges:
Our solutions
- Code refactoring of the broken parts of the system
To successfully improve our client’s system performance, we recognized a fundamental need for code refactoring. Considering the steady growth of PTTPB's platform, the initial code should have ensured the website functionality in case of the need to scale up. . Thus, while working with Node.js, we opted to write more reliable and effective code in order to significantly improve system stability and quality. As a result, the update of Node.js and third-party dependencies strengthened the security and reduced the risk of software flaws. Furthermore, it sped up the system and facilitated the future implementation of new functionalities.
- Implementation of AWS
As the platform has been growing, the database has comparatively scaled up, amounting to 25 GB (and continuously increasing). Thus, the existing cloud technology ceased to constitute the most optimal solution for our client’s financial objectives, concerning that the costs of use had been perilously increasing directly proportional. For this reason, to reduce system expenses and speed up innovation processes, we recommended to our client a transformation of the cloud migration system with the use of AWS. Although all data has to be stored, not all of it has to be close at hand in the main server. That is why, considering our client’s operation model, we have decided to move some binary data (documents, images) to an object-store service (AWS S3).
Not only has our solution radically diminished the final costs but, more importantly, has also scaled down the primary database to ~250 MB. As a result, we were able to implement an easier and more reliable backup policy.
- Active maintenance of the system
As the general code refactoring goes along with the improvement of our client’s code readability and smoother introduction of new facilities, we know how important is to constantly maintain the system’s high quality. In order to achieve that, we continuously provide our client with active maintenance of the upgraded system. Regular monitoring of the performance allows us to take up preventive actions through SL when needed. As we’re convinced – with the regular revision of the client’s needs always comes the continuous improvement of PTTPB’s accomplishments, and this is what we’ve strived to achieve.
A solution for your business
What we’ve learned while working on the project is that each system requires a unique formula that has to be perfectly tailored to the needs and business model of a client. Considering that a crucial part of our project was a primary diagnosis of a problem, we understood how important the consultancy process is while recommending any novel solution.
Throughout collaboration with PTTPB, we refactored the existing code and migrated it into cloud infrastructure. Subsequently, we provided active system maintenance to achieve the best code quality standards and improve website performance. PTTPB continues its mission to bring together Healthcare Professionals who strive to improve the field of mental and emotional disorders, and we’re delighted to contribute to this mission.